A versatile site model for all disciplines 13 Book software subscription

The Details
Software language PHP
Type Software subscription
server 2G
Domain as orderd
Site management panel ShamCom Admin
Languages Three languages
Owner of the code ShamCom
Subscription period 1 year

A versatile site for all disciplines

You can change the entire content of the site with a comprehensive dashboard

Three different languages ​​on request

Complete changes to Control Panel main and submenus, categories, and additional fields

Easily add products in three languages

Receive product requests from visitor messages

Replace all static words on the site with language folders

Full control of addresses, numbers, social networking sites and logos

Adding accounts for visitors

Video library for sharing your videos from YouTube

You can add Slider images or Slider videos

About us = What they said about us = Latest news

You can test from several different models (you can install any external theme at an additional cost)

Software subscription includes your domain and 2 GB server and can be increased on request

Important warning:

This is an annual software subscription and you can use the software in all its features, but the code is the property of ShamCom.

ShamCom cannot be transferred outside the servers, cannot be requested

If information is requested to be transmitted,

a dedicated website will be created at agreed costs for you and all data transfer will be transferred to you.

For more information, please contact us.


